Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brief Discription of the Company

The company we have chosen is a multinational company that is open to the public, with more than 160 stores in Austrailia (from which it originated), New Zealand, Slovenia, Ireland, Malaysia and Singapore.
The company first opened in 1961 and has been expanding ever since.
This particular company deals in many different areas of retail:

-Electrical goods

Because each of these areas of retail differ in expertise, each section is allocated specific salespeople who do not deal in the other sections. For example someone working in electrical goods would never be assigned to work in the furnitures department.
Along with each department having specific people working in that area, the checkouts are also divided up for each of the sections. Which means that every checkout has a different system to deal with that area.

This company has been around for nearly 50 years, and so because of this its system has been under constint development to ensure that the system is up to date and can deal with almost any situation that may arise in the store.

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